Winding down from the Predel pass at the border with Italy clear streams lead us on a scenic alpine adventure. In cold winters a playground for ice climbers; now summer, with jumps and slides the better setting for a canyoneer. Magnificent views of Loska Stena, green pools and a great diversity of rappels. The upper Predelnica is a serious warm-up.
We hike through a boulder garden towards the lower Predelnica. Early this century a massive mudslide rolled down from Mangart painting this secluded section grey. Occasionally a free fall feature, here we tackle many wet and fun rappels. Our final cascade drops us 40 meters into the gorge we hike out to the village of Log Pod Mangertom. Wet your chest!
Best for a healthy canyoneer with some experience. Walk in 15 minutes. Stream time 4 to 6 hours. Charge: € 160, includes small lunch.